Hi, I'm Samantha.
My method of practice is person centred and integrative. My sessions are client-led to suit individual’s needs. I will give you the space to express yourself and feel autonomy within the client counsellor relationship.
Counselling gives you the opportunity to express difficult and challenging experiences in your life. We all have our own ways of coping with whatever life throws at us and we all need to find meaning and sense of purpose to enable us to be and to find our true selves.
My professional experience includes working with adults, children, group work including professional development, advocacy, facilitation and family therapy. I also have experience of parent and child advocacy, which includes school based counselling. I also have experience of working in partnership with Local Authorities and the NHS service providing for sick and Disabled patients.
Sometimes life brings to us more than we expected or hoped for and at times we need someone to just STOP and listen and give us the space we need to explore our feelings which at times can feel overwhelming especially in the current climate that we are living in.
I am here to listen and help you through these difficult times. “It’s good to talk”
To find out more, or to book an appointment, call 07379 278139, send a whatsapp HERE or fill in the contact form below, and we'll get back to you.